

8700 Uppsatser om Enemy as a system - Sida 1 av 580

Strategisk bombning i cyberspace

Why has some cyber-attacks been more successful than others? There has been in the near past examples of cyber-attacks used with different purposes. How do we understand these chosen targets and what result the attack accomplished?Research has discussed similarities between aviation warfare and cyber warfare, and how the first could explain what is happening in cyber warfare now. There is also opposing opinions whether cyber warfare should be seen as a method to alone force a will on your opponent or if cyber warfare should mere be supporting other military means.

NATO:s luftkrig i Kosovo utifrån Wardens teorier

John A. Warden III is one the most mentioned air power theoretic of his time.He has written a number of theories concerning air power and the best way to use this to win wars.The author of this paper gives a short resume of what he consider are the central thoughts in John Warden´s theories. These thoughts result in four factors; Enemy as a system, centre of gravity, parallel attack/concentration and finally air superiority. These factors are then being used to inves-tigate if NATO used Wardens theories during the Kosovo war in 1999.The reason for the author to choose the Kosovo war specifically is due to the fact that NATO during the war only used air power as an instrument to get Serbia´s president Milosevic to the negotiation table but also the fact that this would turn out to be quite a challenge for NATO.The conclusion is that out of the four factors only one is traceable throughout the entire operation, and that is air superiority. Regarding the other three factors they can only be found in parts of the operation..

Operation Rolling Thunder

This paper provides an explanation of the concepts John A. Warden III describes regarding the use of air power and if this theory can be found, within the confines of an unconventional war. The U.S. ability to air power is overwhelming, however the right kind of warfare can force this great power to abandon their military and political objectives by exhausting its resources over time as it becomes increasingly costly, both economically, politically and morally, to wage war. The research deals with operation Rolling Thunder and John A.

Ett amerikanskt korståg? En jämförelse mellan katolska kyrkans korståg under medeltiden och USA:s politik under kalla kriget.

The Catholic Church launched several crusades during the medieval ages in order to regainthe holy lands and spread the word of God. Their main enemy, the Muslims had grownstronger and needed to be suppressed. This common enemy united Europe under the banner ofthe Catholic Church. In order to fund these crusades the church turned to the wealthyEuropean kings and lords and asked for funding. In return the kings received an indulgenceletter, and also greater respect from their subjects because of their new appreciation from thepope.

Luftmaktsteori : en jämförelse mellan Warden och ACTS

Syftet med denna uppsats är att pröva självständigheten och originaliteten i John Wardensteorier om ?The Enemy as a system? gentemot ?Industrial Web Theory? som utveckladesoch presenterades vid Air Corps Tactical School, ACTS, i USA under 1930-talet.Uppsatsen konkretiserar de valda teoribildningarna, jämför dess olika innebörder och därefterbelyser eventuella skillnader respektive likheter, i syfte att belägga eller motsägaWardens originalitet..

"Warden och den irreguljära konflikten" : Har Wardens teorier spelat ut sin roll?

Johan A. Warden tog fram sin modell om motståndaren som ett system för att genom denna hitta dess svagheter. Modellen visade sig vara mycket användbar inom mellanstatliga konflikter och var mycket effektiv vid planerandet och genomförandet av USA:s offensiv mot Irak under inledningen av Gulfkriget. Men kopplat mot irreguljära konflikter har Wardens modell stött på mycket kritik då den anses spelat ut sin roll och därför inte längre kan anses applicerbar vid planerandet av luftoperationer inom denna typ av krigföring. Denna uppsats skall se om det är precisionsvapen och användandet av dessa som räddar kvar Warden inom planeringen av luftoperationer inom irreguljär krigföring..

Warden i Israel : En studie av Wardens tillämpning i Israels luftkrig 2006-2009

Den amerikanske luftmaktsteoretikern John A Warden III har skrivit ett flertal artiklar och böcker om vad han anser är det bästa sättet att använda luftmakt. Warden förordar luftmaktens offensiva natur och eftersträvar ett snabbt, för egen del, fördelaktigt slut på en konflikt. Warden har bl.a. liknat fienden vid ett system, där han menar att strävan skall ligga i att slå ut fiendens ledarskikt vilket får tillföljd att dess vilja till strid upphör.I detta arbete ges en sammanfattning av, enligt författaren, centrala delar av Wardens teorier. Sammanfattningen mynnar ut i tre stycken parametrar som kommer att utgöra Wardens teorier i detta arbete.

Sri Lanka 2008-2009 : Militärteoretisk analys av den Singalesiska kampanjen mot LTTE

Sri Lanka har varit skådeplatsen för ett av nutidens blodigaste och längsta uppror. LTTE bedrev ett uppror med en separatistisk målsättning att skapa en egen Tamilsk stat på norra Sri Lanka. LTTE hade segern inom räckhåll 2006, men den Singalesiska regeringen lyckades vända LTTE framgång. En regeringsoffensiv 2008-2009 resulterade i ett totalt militärt nederlag för LTTE. David Galulas teorier kring COIN har influerat författarna till FM 3-24.

Fria Kriget och Gerillakrigföriing : - en kategorisering

To be able to research the chain of development and its causes within military doctrines you need to describe the change and categorize it to make it understandable.This essays intent is to categorize a phenomenon within the Swedish doctrine to make it available for further research about doctrinal development. The categories are found in two of the great theorists on guerrilla warfare due to the subjects? resemblance to guerrilla tactics and its means.The phenomenon that is to be researched is directly translated as ?the free war? which basically means the use of irregular warfare behind the enemy lines. The description of ?the free war?, by whom and when it is used, are the factors that have changed during the second half of the 20th century, and have therefore been placed into different categories.

On-line uppdragsplanering baserad på prediktionsreglering

Modern air battles are very dynamic and fast, and put extreme pressure on pilots. In some unpredictable situations, like new discovered threats or mission plan deviation because of enemy aircraft, the pilots might need to replan their predefined flight route. This is very difficult, if not impossible, to do since numerous factors affect it. A system that can help the pilots to do such a thing is needed. Previous work in this field has involved methods from artificial intelligence like A*-search.

"De kom, de var här och de försvann" - En fallstudie angående stereotypa bilder av asylsökande i Laxå kommun.

In order for any society to exist there must be a sense of belonging. In other words "We" need to be made distinctive and differentiated from "the Others". The aim of this thesis is to examine the processes behind the making and upholding of collective identities and the consequences of doing so. Theories regarding stereotypes, enemy images, power over the discourse and glocalization have therefore been applied to an empirical example in the form of a case study.The study is made on the municipality of Laxå in Sweden. Representatives on assumed key positions have been interviewed on their and Laxå's inhabitants views on the asylum seekers in the community between the years 1986 and 2005.Yet another aim of the thesis is to examine the possible connection between the perceived collective identity and the decision to close down the asylum facility in Laxå.

Frihetens kamp mot ondskan. Nationellt meningsskapande i USA efter den 11 september 2001

This is a paper about the process of creating meaning in speeches held by president Bush after the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001. People need tools to orient and understand the surrounding world. They need to create a meaningful orientation in a chaotic world. Some meaning is favoured due to the prevailing social structures. Thru language discourses are produced that helps us understand how the world is constructed.

Tjänar amerikansk media utrikespolitiska maktintressen? : En granskning av två amerikanska tidningars rapportering av statskuppen i Honduras sommaren 2009

AbstractEssay in Political Science, D-level, spring 2010. ?Do the American mass media serve foreign policy interests? ? A scrutiny of two American newspapers? coverage of the coup d?état in Honduras in the summer of 2009?, Author: David Scott. Tutor: Anders Broman The bias of the American mass media has been widely discussed among scholars. Not only has this phenomenon caught the attention of political scientists, but also academics from other scientific fields.

Successiv avtalsbundenhet : En beskrivning av modellen och dess närvaro i svensk rättspraxis

Why has some cyber-attacks been more successful than others? There has been in the near past examples of cyber-attacks used with different purposes. How do we understand these chosen targets and what result the attack accomplished?Research has discussed similarities between aviation warfare and cyber warfare, and how the first could explain what is happening in cyber warfare now. There is also opposing opinions whether cyber warfare should be seen as a method to alone force a will on your opponent or if cyber warfare should mere be supporting other military means.

Ryskt luftmaktsanvändande i Georgien 2008 ? ett fall av Warden?

The Russian-Georgian war of 2008 drastically changed Europe´s and Sweden´s political climate.Russiashowed that it is capable of successfully completing complex campaigns including ground, naval and air assets. However, not much has been said about the theoretical framework and doctrine of the Russian military of today. Even less has been researched about Russian use of air power and applied air theory. Are air power assets still considered primarily as support of ground offensives or has the theoretical framework changed?John A.

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